Updated March 4, 2021
Due to changes in the Adobe format for specifying the file path in the new Adobe version 21 released on February 9, 2021,
the encrypted PDF files could not be decrypted. In order to open the encrypted PDF files, SmartShelter PDF Reader should be updated.
Please proceed with the following instruction.
1. Install new SmartShelter PDF Reader (SmashPdfRdr.exe) v21.02.00
* You can install it without uninstalling old SmartShelter PDF Reader.
* Due to your PC environment, it might take time to start the installation. Please wait untill starting.
2. After finishing the installation, please check whether "SmartShelter PDF" on "About Third-Party Plug-Ins"/"Help" is displayed.
If you cannot stil open the encrypted PDF Files, please check the following points.